
A novel by Alexander Buchanan



Red Dolphin is pleased to announce the publication of a novel about the Health Service that also incorporates reflux issues into an exciting plot. All proceeds from its sales will go directly to funding our work with no percentage taken for administrative costs.




"Dr Buchanan, a consultant in an NHS hospital, has become increasingly frustrated at the red tape that hampers his every move. He conceives the idea of ‘Red Dolphin’ – a voluntary organisation for raising money and promoting health awareness in his field. It is to be run on very simple, non-bureaucratic lines, recalling a past where innovation was easier.


At the same time a medical student, a GP, a patient

and the Medical Director all experience similar degrees of

exasperation with the bloated system – all with very different results.


Parallel to this, and in response to a Department of Health

directive to cut hospital spending, a plot is developing to

perpetrate an horrific act in the city. It involves the Chief

Executive (whose job is under threat) and a small number of

often unwitting, accomplices. When the devastation occurs the

aftershocks hit the characters but with very different results. As

the truth dawns on Dr Buchanan it leaves him struggling for answers."



To buy this book directly from the printer, Lulu.com, click here.


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Red Dolphin

Oesophageal awareness for the 21st century   
